Me +
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Me+ - Superdrug
With a growing trend of personalisation within the beauty industry Superdrug developed a range of skin “boosters” that can be used on their own or with your daily moisturiser.
Points to consider
The size of the product - the bottle are quite small so clear navigation and hierarchy is key.
The consumer buying into this new brand is informed and well versed in skincare ingredients and terminology. Not patronising them would be key
As the ingredients being used in the range were all fairly scientific I wanted to play on this aspect. Taking inspiration from the periodic table I created a logo to look like a chemical element. Calling the range “ME+'“ comes from the personalisation part of the brief - Its you + and ingredient. As the consumer is well informed already I kept the copy informative and to the point. The over all benefit running down the side allows for a pop of colour each benefit area having its own colour.