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B. Bronzing

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B. Bronzing - Superdrug

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To design a premium offering of self tan under the “B.” branding for Superdrug. The range needed to appeal to the older tan customer (25 years +) and also fit with the current B. offering (skincare & cosmetics). It was felt that it fit in neither skincare or cosmetics so a new look was needed.

Points to consider - Expanding the brands existing look and feel, consumer navigation / communication, Premium look & Market competitors


B. is one of Superdrug’s premium own-brand offerings. Careful consideration was needed in order to create a new sub brand that complimented the current offerings as well as sitting within the market competitors. As the overall branding was already in place the challenge was how to expand the brand. Other category areas within B. were originally designed with black componentry (black is difficult due to the machines not detecting it), with CSR now such an important part of design we needed to reconsider this. We worked closely with the factories testing dark colours that would still allow the design to keep the deep colour background as well as be recyclable. A deep bright blue was the favourite.


Palm leaves are brought up from the bottom of the pack as a navigational colour cue and ties in with the recent trends in the market. To bring a more personal touch to the brand a more emotive name was given to the shade. Instead of the traditional “medium” and “dark” “Sunkissed Glow” and “Golden Bronze” were used.

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